Halloween Activity 2018 at SIS Vung Tau

This year, Halloween Activity 2018 for KIK teachers and students at SIS Vung Tau was held on Wednesday 31st October. To prepare for the celebration, all the classes were decorated with outstanding decorations as well as the creative “Trick or Treat” bags were made a week before.
On the day, all our precious students with their fancy costumes and face painting excitedly came to school earlier than usual. Then all the princesses, fairies, witches, super heroes, ninjas and even Rapunzel… gathered in the exercise area for morning exercise. “Trick or Treat & Halloween songs” were sung loudly while the children were walking through the neighborhood surrounding the school. All the students were well greeted by friendly local people along the way and happily received pre-packaged treats from the neighbors. One of our dedicated parents played some awesome music on his accordion in the courtyard as students came back from trick or treating. They had bags filled with treats and gathered in the exercise area for a mini “Fashion Parade” where amazing and dazzling costumes were shown off.
After the parade, they had a wonderful party with snacks and drinks in the courtyard. Everybody had a great day together. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!