Home / Schoolwide Learner Goals

Schoolwide Learner Goals define what each student should know, understand and be able to do by the time they finish the study pathway in KinderWorld International Kindergarten.

KinderWorld International Kindergarten seeks to nurture:

Academic Achievers who:

  • Meet or exceed year level expectations
  • Demonstrate academic growth
  • Strive for continuous improvement

Confident communicators who:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, speaking and listening
  • Work collaboratively with others
  • Use creative forms of expression

Critical Thinkers who:

  • Apply rational, higher order thinking skills

Technologically literate students who:

  • Effectively use technology to access, organise, evaluate, create and communicate information
  • Understand responsible use of social media, communication and networking tools

Active and Responsible citizens who:

  • Understand and respect their own and other cultures
  • Demonstrate good citizenship and social responsibility through serving others
  • Understand the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle
  • Understand and demonstrates a set of universal virtues